
  • 福尔摩斯:驼背人 "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" The Crooked Man

    类型:悬疑片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Alan Grint   编剧:Arthur Conan Doyle, John Hawkesworth

    主演:Jeremy Brett, David Burke, Norman Jones

      Col. Barclay is found dead and his wife is arrested for the murder, but Holmes is convinced a missing door key will reveal the true killer.

  • 福尔摩斯 Sherlock Holmes

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:阿蒂尔·贝尔特莱   编剧:威廉·吉列特

    主演:威廉·吉列特, Marjorie Kay, 埃内斯特·毛帕因, 爱德华·菲尔丁

      When a couple of swindlers hold young Alice Faulkner against her will in order to discover the whereabouts of letters which could spell scandal for the royal family, Sherlock Holmes is on the case.

  • 福尔摩斯:爱丽丝·福克纳小姐的离奇案件 Sherlock Holmes


    导演:彼得·H·亨特   编剧:阿瑟·柯南·道尔, 威廉·吉列特

    主演:弗兰克·兰格拉, 苏珊·克拉克, 史蒂芬·柯林斯, Richard Woods, 乔治·莫福根, Laurie Kennedy, 德怀特·舒尔茨, 克里斯蒂安·史莱特

      Prof. Moriarity returns to kill Sherlock Holmes, and unleashes a complex and clever plan to lure the great detective to his death.

  • 福尔摩斯:斑点带子案 "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" The Speckled Band

    类型:剧情片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:John Bruce   编剧:Arthur Conan Doyle, John Hawkesworth

    主演:Jeremy Brett

      A young woman asks for Holmes' help when her ill-tempered stepfather moves her into the same room where her sister died under mysterious circumstances.

  • 火山:马尔科姆·劳瑞的生死调查 Volcano: An Inquiry Into the Life and Death of Malcolm Lowry


    导演:Donald Brittain, John Kramer   编剧:Donald Brittain

    主演:Marjorie Bonner, Donald Brittain, John Buchan

      这是《火山之下》的作者马尔科姆·劳尔(Malcolm Lowrie)的一部生动而形象化的传记,带我们深入到一个漂泊在墨西哥的心碎的英国酒鬼苍白的世界之中。这部影片充满智慧和张力,这无疑来源于布莱顿和劳尔一样也是一个酒鬼。所以他能够深切地体会到他的拍摄客体的挫败感。

  • 福尔摩斯的多重面孔 The Many Faces of Sherlock Holmes


    导演:迈克尔·马斯卡尔   编剧:Ray Atherton, Michael Avery, Bob Greenberg


      Christopher Lee hosts an overview of Sherlock Holmes as Arthur Conan Doyle wrote of him, as portrayed on the stage, on radio, television, and in the motion pictures by dozens of actors from 1900 to 1985.

  • 福尔摩斯:跳舞的人 "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" The Dancing Men

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影

    导演:John Bruce   编剧:Arthur Conan Doyle, John Hawkesworth

    主演:Jeremy Brett, David Burke, Tenniel Evans

      A gentleman is baffled when the childish drawings of little dancing men terrify his American wife. Sherlock Holmes soon discovers why.

  • 四签名:福尔摩斯最伟大的一案 The Sign of Four: Sherlock Holmes' Greatest Case


    导演:Graham Cutts   编剧:阿瑟·柯南·道尔, W.P. Lipscomb

    主演:阿瑟·万特纳, Ian Hunter, Isla Bevan

      A young woman turns to Sherlock Holmes for protection when she's menaced by an escaped killer seeking missing treasure. However, when the woman is kidnapped, Holmes and Watson must penetrate the city's criminal underworld to find her.

  • 谋杀现场:福尔摩斯的黑暗初始 Murder Rooms:The Dark Beginnings of Sherlock Holmes


    导演:保罗·锡德   编剧:大卫·皮里

    主演:伊恩·理查森, 罗宾·莱因

      Arthur Conan Doyle reveals the story behind Sherlock Holmes and his mysteries by telling about Dr. Joseph Bell.

  • 黑潮 Malcolm X

    类型:剧情片电影, 传记片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:斯派克·李   编剧:阿诺德·珀尔, 斯派克·李

    主演:丹泽尔·华盛顿, 安吉拉·贝塞特, 阿尔伯特·海尔, 小阿尔·弗里曼, 斯派克·李, 纳尔逊·曼德拉, 吉安卡罗·埃斯波西托, 德尔罗伊·林多

      迈尔肯(丹泽尔•华盛顿 Denzel Washington 饰)出生于一个黑白通婚的家庭,其父是黑人牧师,其母是无偏见的白人。但是当时,美国种族矛盾激化,3K党经常骚扰他家,在他的幼小心灵中种下了复仇的种子。迈尔肯长大后,混迹于街巷酒吧之中,甚至染上了毒品、偷盗等恶习。一次偶然的机会,迈尔肯与白人女子索菲亚相遇,但这段爱情因种族偏见而夭折。迈尔肯因犯罪锒铛入狱,正当他处于困境之时,一位黑人教徒引领他皈依了伊斯兰教,这也成为他人生的转捩点。他通过阅读大量书籍,逐渐了解了种族歧视的文化根源,并多次在公开场合宣扬黑人要独立、对白人复仇的激进主张,引起轩然大波。迈尔肯成为很多人的眼中钉,甚至遭遇了背叛,引来了灭顶之灾……