
  • SCP基金会:玩偶屋 SCP: Dollhouse


    导演:Stephen Hancock   编剧:Evan Muir, Amna Secerovic, Alyssa Torralva

    主演:Bryce Buckley, Frank Fallon, Jerry Freeman, Bradley Gareth, Daniel Hodge, River Kanoff, Austin McKayle Rearden, Malina Susim, Kendel Vendettie

      A group of MTF Operatives perform a sweep of a house in suburban Middle America after reports of anomalous activity inside. The group are unprepared with lacking and misguided intel and find themselves incapable of dealing with the threat inside the home

  • 牙齿 Teeth


    导演:Tom Brown, Daniel Gray   编剧:Daniel Gray, Tom Brown

    主演:Richard E. Grant

      The life of a misguided and intensely focused man, chronicled through his oral obsessions.

  • Mumbo Jumbo


    导演:Bevan Walsh   编剧:蒂姆·贝文

    主演:安德鲁·加菲尔德, Tom Brooke, Javone Prince

      In a misguided attempt to do something for the war on terror, self-styled suburban warriors Gool, Rube and Simmo are ready to carry out their first operation, but things don't go quite as they planned. 主要看加菲卖萌好么