
  • 阿普克 Ah, Pook Is Here

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Philip Hunt   编剧:威廉·巴勒斯

    主演:William S. Burroughs

      Possibly only for William Burroughs completists - the writer narrates a despairing tirade against mainstream American ills framed in a sci-fi apocalyptic context, an organic planet in a symmetrical, monochrome universe. The reassuring, lilting, pensioner's voice, the cool despair and horror of the words, Pook the turkey, urroughs' representative, suicide as response to compromi...

  • UFO在这里 UFO: It Is Here

    类型:科幻片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Daniele Grieco   编剧:Daniele Grieco

    主演:Laura Berlin

    students are producing a documentary about the local zoo when suddenly the animals go berserk: The reason is

  • 亨利·普尔驾到 Henry Poole Is Here

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:马克·佩灵顿   编剧:Albert Torres

    主演:卢克·威尔逊, 拉达·米切尔, 艾德里安娜·巴拉扎, 乔治·洛佩兹, 切瑞·海恩斯

      一直以来都过着平静生活的亨利(卢克·威尔逊 Luke Wilson 饰)意外的发现自己竟然身患绝症时日无多,心灰意冷的他决定离群索居,独自躲藏起来,了却此生。他在洛杉矶郊区买了一座小房子,避免了一切不必要的社交,将生活圈尽量的缩小。
      让亨利没有想到的是,邻居埃斯佩兰莎(艾德里安娜·巴拉扎 Adriana Barraza 饰)竟然在他家的墙壁上看到了神迹,这个消息一传十十传百,霎时间,亨利的家成为了众多信徒朝圣的“宝地”,其中便有独自抚养小女儿的美丽女子多恩(拉妲·米契尔 Radha Mitchell 饰)。多恩的女儿患有儿童自闭症,然而,在看到神迹的一瞬间,小姑娘竟然开口说话了。这一奇迹和多恩的出现让亨利重新燃起了对于生活和爱情的希望。

  • 此处总是别处 Here Is Always Somewhere Else


    导演:Rene Daalder   编剧:


      Film about the life and work of Dutch/Californian conceptual artist Bas Jan Ader, who in 1975 disappeared under mysterious circumstances at sea in the smallest boat ever to cross the Atlantic. As seen through the eyes of fellow emigrant filmmaker Rene Daalder, the picture becomes a sweeping overview of contemporary art films as well as an epic saga of the transformative powers ...

  • 迈克·华莱士在此 Mike Wallace Is Here


    导演:阿威·贝尔金   编剧:


      For over half a century, 60 Minutes’ fearsome newsman Mike Wallace went head-to-head with the world’s most influential figures. Relying exclusively on archival footage, the film interrogates the interrogator, tracking Mike’s storied career and troubled personal life while unpacking how broadcast journalism evolved to today’s precarious tipping point.

  • 这里,这里 Here, Here

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Joanne Cesario   编剧:Joanne Cesario

    主演:Kael Vilar, Irish Yes Layas, Carla Zarcal

      Here, Here reimagines the coastal town of Lobo, Batangas, years after a foreign extraction company

  • Someone Lives Here


    导演:Zack Russell   编剧:


      Throughout the COVID pandemic, Toronto has seen a catastrophic increase in homelessness. Sick of seeing his city unable to care for its unhoused people, Khaleel Seivwright quit his job as a full-time carpenter and dedicated himself to building insulated shelters—called “tiny shelters.” Innovatively using body temperature for heating, Khaleel’s efforts garnered international med...

  • 小世界 Here


    导演:巴斯·德沃斯   编剧:巴斯·德沃斯

    主演:斯特凡·戈塔, 龚丽悠


  • 这里 Here


    导演:Lysander Ashton   编剧:Mark Grimmer


      HERE presents an immersive virtual reality (VR) adaptation of Richard McGuire's ground-breaking graphic

  • Be Here Now


    导演:西本達哉   编剧:西本達哉

    主演:北垣優和, 川野美怜, 藤井千帆
