
  • 善良的天使 Better Angels


    导演:柯文思   编剧:柯文思

    主演:玛德琳·奥布莱特, 亨利·基辛格, 陆克文, 唐纳德·特朗普, 柯文思, 格莱德·程, 詹姆斯·A·贝克, 王健林

      由奥斯卡和金马奖获奖团队历时4年打造的院线纪录电影《善良的天使》旨在国际语境下,以历史的眼光和全球的视野,用智慧、包容和前瞻性的思维来探讨中美关系的未来。影片由两届奥斯卡获奖导演Malcolm Clarke执导,美国知名制片人William Mundell先生和金马奖获奖制片人韩轶女士联合制片。

  • 少年林肯 The Better Angels

    类型:剧情, 传记, 历史

    导演:A.J. 爱德华兹   编剧:A.J. 爱德华兹

    主演:黛安·克鲁格, 杰森·克拉克, 布里特·马灵, 韦斯·本特利


  • 信 Letters


    导演:Marte Vold, 尹载皓   编剧:


      Marte and Jaeho are the same age but are from different countries and of opposite genders. They exchange letters about their daily lives. Jaeho visits home after a long stay abroad and records the everyday life of his family, while Marte captures her routine with her children in Norway. They also share memories of their mothers, who permeate their daily routine. The calming qua...

  • 给布米叔叔的信 A Letter to Uncle Boonmee


    导演:阿彼察邦·韦拉斯哈古   编剧:阿彼察邦·韦拉斯哈古

    主演:Kumgieng Jittamaat, Miti Jittamaat, 菲蒙克·查塔旺, Nuttapon Kemthong, Atapon Wernziw, Tongsit Rachasin, Thanabodee Laohawanich, Soda

      A few years ago I visited a temple near my home and a monk there gave me a little book called “A Man Who Can Recall His Past Lives.” In it, the monk wrote about Boonmee, who could recall his multiple lives in the cities of the northeast. In 2008, I wrote a screenplay inspired by the reincarnation of Boonmee, and started to travel in the region in search of his surviving offspri...

  • 好男当自强 第一季 Better Off Ted Season 1


    导演:Michael Fresco, Marc Buckland   编剧:Victor Fresco, Michael Teverbaugh

    主演:Jay Harrington, Andrea Anders, Portia de Rossi

      泰德(杰伊·哈灵顿 Jay Harrington 饰)就职于一家大型企业的研发部门,前途可谓是一片大好,尽管这家企业所研发的产品千奇百怪,有些甚至触及了道德的底线,但是为了能让他独自抚养的七岁女儿罗丝(伊莎贝拉·阿塞尔斯 Isabella Acres 饰)过上更好的生活,泰德对此只能睁一只眼闭一只眼。
      同样身为研发部的一员,琳达(安德利娅·安德斯 Andrea Anders 饰)和泰德采取的对策则截然相反,个性叛逆又心怀不满的她常常做一些恶作剧,随着时间的推移,她引起了泰德的注意。泰德虽然对特立独行的琳达怀有好感,但曾经吃过办公室恋情苦头的他决定按兵不动,因为泰德曾经的情人正是他那虎视眈眈的老板维罗妮卡(波蒂亚·德罗西 Portia de Rossi 饰)。

  • Better Living Through Circuitry

    类型:剧情, 纪录片, 音乐

    导演:Jon Reiss   编剧:

    主演:莫比, Roni Size, DJ Krust/BT

      Raves - very educational, 12 November 1999
      Author: Lev (levl289) from So. Cal.
      This movie along with "Modulations" is a very educated, and insightful look into Rave culture across the globe. Interviews with influential DJ's from all over the world, and thoughts from actual ravers, the movie covers all the bases on just what Rave Culture is all about.
      If you're a rave...

  • 你的信,亲爱的 Take a Letter, Darling


    导演:米切尔·莱森   编剧:George Beck


      A struggling painter takes a job as a secretary to a female advertising executive. While working to obtain an account from a tobacco company, they end up falling in love


    类型:纪录片, 音乐, 传记

    导演:   编剧:Ethan Higbee


      The Upsetter tells the fascinating story of Lee “Scratch” Perry, a visionary musician and artist from poor rural Jamaica who journeyed to the big city in the late 1950s with dreams of making it in the burgeoning record industry. Lee Perry burst on the scene with a brand new sound, inventing a genre of music that would come to be called reggae, while mentoring a young Bob Marley...

  • 维多利亚女王的信件 Queen Victoria's Letters: A Monarch Unveiled

    类型:纪录片, 历史

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:A.N. Wilson

      Biographer AN Wilson uncovers the intriguing personal life of Queen Victoria through her journals and letters in this psychological portrait of Britain's longest reigning monarch.

  • 莱特肯尼 第一季 Letterkenny Season 1


    导演:雅各布·提尔尼   编剧:雅各布·提尔尼, 杰瑞德·基苏

    主演:杰瑞德·基苏, Nathan Dales

      The show has its roots in Letterkenny Problems, a short-format web series created by Keeso and released in 2013.