
  • All other things Equal


    导演:Anya Tsyrlina   编剧:


  • 生来平等 Born Equal


    导演:多米尼克·塞维奇   编剧:多米尼克·塞维奇

    主演:科林·费尔斯, 安-玛莉·杜芙, 大卫·奥伊罗

      London banker Mark has just made a fortune in a financial deal. Feeling stifled by his pregnant wife's material expectations and guilty after facing some abused homeless, he becomes a shelter benefactor. Trying his hand as volunteer, he takes a personal interest in runaway teenager Zoe, whose expectations prove even worse. Also in the shelter is recently released violent repeat...

  • 同等标准 Equal Standard


    导演:J. Jesses Smith   编剧:Taheim Bryan

    主演:艾斯-T, 弗雷德罗·斯塔尔, 托比亚斯·特鲁维利昂, 安东尼·特雷奇·克里斯, Gerard Cordero, Audrey Labarthe, Sid O'Connell, Syleena Johnson

      An off-duty New York City Police Detective gets caught in an inner-city brawl between undercover cops convinced that he is a local street thug. The melee ends in a tragic death followed by an uproar within gangs and cops in neighboring communities and across the city.

  • Near Equal 森山大道 ≒森山大道


    导演:藤井謙二郎   编剧:

    主演:森山大道, 荒木経惟, 西井一夫

      天才アラーキーこと荒木経惟をして「新しい写真の時代を作り出した男」と言わしめる写真家・森山大道。60年代後半より常にカリスマ的存在として写真界に君臨しながらも、マスコミへの表立った登場を拒み続けていたため、その人物像はどこか謎のヴェ-ルに包まれている。本作品『 ≒(ニア・イコール) 森山大道 』は、今まで公にされることのなかった彼の現在を、デジタルビデオで追った珠玉のドキュメンタリーである。
      コンパクトカメラ v.s. デジタルハンディカム

  • 生来平等:克拉伦斯·托马斯自述 Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words


    导演:Michael Pack   编剧:Michael Pack

    主演:克拉伦斯·托马斯, 乔·拜登, Anita Hill, Ginni Thomas

      克拉伦斯·托马斯是极富争议的人物,他在1991年被老布什总统提名大法官,但在听证会上被曾经的下属Anita Hill指控性骚扰,最终投票涉险过关。纪录片以此听证会为中心事件,以托马斯本人之口,回溯他一生的经历和追求,并试图澄清争议。

  • 不平等:财富如何变成权力 Inequality: How Wealth Becomes Power


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Christoph Gröner, Thomas Clauss

      DW记者跟拍了分属三个阶层的代表人物长达6个月的时间,他们分别是代表新贵的Christoph Gröner的富豪,代表中产阶级的Thomas Clauss和代表贵族阶层的“冯先生”。通过他们的经历,向人们揭示了德国社会不平等的现状和思考。
      Germany is one of the world’s richest countries, but inequality is on the rise. While the power elite are pulling ahead, the poor are falling behind at an ever more rapid rate. Meanwhile, the middle classes is shrinking at an ever-increasing rate too. Hard wor...

  • 不平等的时代 Inequality for All


    导演:Jacob Kornbluth   编剧:

    主演:Robert Reich


  • 下次的火 The Fire Next Time

    类型:动画片电影, 恐怖片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Renaldho Pelle   编剧:Kerry Jade Kolbe


      Rioting spreads as social inequality causes tempers in a struggling community to flare, but the oppressive environment takes on a life of its own as the shadows of the housing estate close in.

  • 嗜血屠夫 Bloodthirsty Butchers


    导演:Andy Milligan   编剧:John Borske, 安迪·米利根

    主演:John Miranda, Annabella Wood, Berwick Kaler

      A murderous barber and his equally psychopathic friend, a baker, hatch a plan whereby the barber murders people and the baker makes them into pies to be sold in his shop.

  • 科学家的模样 Picture a Scientist


    导演:Ian Cheney, Sharon Shattuck   编剧:

    主演:Mahzarin Banaji, Raychelle Burks, Kathryn Clancy, Nancy Hopkins, Paula Johnson

      Despite the minimal news coverage, sexual harassment and gender inequality against women are no less prevalent in science than they are in pop culture and corporate America.

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