
  • 旷野旅程 Utazás az alföldön


    导演:贝拉·塔尔   编剧:裴多菲

    主演:Mihály Vig

      In one of Tarr鈙 rare nonnarrative films, actor-composer Mihály Víg recites the poetry of Sándor Petöfi (1823?9) while playing the organ in the back of a truck moving through the plains. In Hungarian with English subtitles. 39 min.

  • 街上的两个女孩 Két lány az utcán


    导演:安德烈·德·托特   编剧:安德烈·德·托特


  • 正义甚多 Oda az igazság


    导演:米克洛什·扬索   编剧:米克洛什·扬索

    主演:拉约什·鲍拉诺维奇, Gábor Nagypál, 米克洛什·B·塞凯伊, László Gálffi, 达尼尔·奥勒布里斯基, 西蒙·萨博, 凯内尔·穆德卢佐, 佐尔丹·穆奇, 乔治·切豪尔米, Zoltán Seress, 乔包·平德罗奇, Kata Bartsch, 彼得·谢赖尔, Béla Bagota, 弗洛里安·特辛梅斯特

  • 上窜下跳 Paridan az Ertefa Kam


    导演:Hamed Rajabi   编剧:Hamed Rajabi

    主演:Negar Javaherian, Rambod Javan

      Nahal is around thirty and in her fourth month of pregnancy. During a routine check-up she learns that her baby has died and she now faces a curettage abortion in two days’ time. When she tries to address the subject, neither her mother nor her husband give her a chance to speak. Nahal knows that her family will force her to go back to taking the antidepressant medication she b...

  • 停止不动的时间 Megáll az idö


    导演:彼得·哥萨   编剧:伊扎·博列蒙伊, 彼得·哥萨

    主演:Ádám Rajhona, Lajos Szabó, Anikó Iván, István Znamenák, Péter Gálfy, Henrik Pauer, Sándor Söth, Ágnes Kakassy, 拉约什·厄泽, 帕尔·海泰尼, Mária Ronyecz, 塔马斯·约旦, 约瑟夫·克罗纳

      A Budapest high school in the beginning of the 1960s. Dinis suffers the torments of adolescence. His father had to leave Hungary after the uprise in 1956, and since then Dini's mother has had to take care of her two sons on her own. A friend of Dinis' father, Bodor, is released from prison and moves in with them. Dinis and his brother Bodor are far from happy over this intrusio...

  • 我很喜欢生活 Nekem az élet teccik nagyon

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Kati Macskássy   编剧:


  • 快乐来自心底 Fifi az khoshhali zooze mikeshad


    导演:米特拉·法拉哈尼   编剧:米特拉·法拉哈尼

    主演:Bahman Mohassess, 米特拉·法拉哈尼, Mohassess

      Bahman Mohassess was a celebrated artist at the time of the Shah. Trained in Italy, he created sculptures and paintings in his homeland. But audiences often took offence at the pronounced phalli on his mostly naked bronze figures and his work was regularly censored. All traces of him were lost after the revolution. It was said he destroyed his remaining paintings and disappeare...

  • 我的太空不是梦 Lajko: Cigány az ürben


    导演:Balázs Lengyel   编剧:Balázs Lovas, Balázs Lengyel

    主演:塔玛施·凯莱斯代施, József Gyabronka, 蒂波尔·帕尔菲

      他從小就夢想要上太空。童年無師自通,造出了陽春火箭,卻誤把老媽送上天。青年時 做熱氣球飛行測試,無意成為攻擊蘇聯紅軍的罪人,刑求完畢直接送進大牢。然而他的 天賦異稟,竟被看中成為太空人候選者。只是競爭對手一個比一個強,一個比一個怪, 各種測驗也讓人摸不著頭緒,究竟是真要上太空,還是有更大的祕密等著他?
      巴拉茲連耶爾首部自編自導作品。以美蘇太空競賽為背景,用幽默的口吻大膽改寫蘇聯 太空史,看似惡搞又荒唐的劇情,實則暗諷共產世界的友好假象,不但直指匈牙利遭受 蘇聯鋪天蓋地的極權打壓,也為吉普賽人(甚至同志)的污名化平反,在瓦解英雄的同 時,反而讓我們看到更高貴的情操。而苦中作樂的黑色幽默和繽紛斑斕的想像力,也盡 顯東歐喜劇的魅力。

  • 手表谜事 Az unoka


    导演:克里斯托弗·迪克   编剧:


      Hungarian director Deák, who won an Oscar for short film Sing in 2017, makes his feature debut with this darkly comic crime thriller about a quiet twentysomething office manager who goes after the petty criminals who scammed his grandfather in a telephone fraud.

  • 阿拉伯灰马的最后晚餐 Utolsó vacsora az Arabs Szürkénél


    导演:米克洛什·扬索, István Márton   编剧:Ferenc Grunwalsky, Gyula Hernádi

    主演:Zoltán Mucsi, Péter Scherer, József Szarvas