
  • 角色 Роль

    类型:剧情片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:·   编剧:巴维尔·费尼, 康斯坦丁·罗普桑斯基

    主演:玛丽亚·贾维纳廉明, Leonid Mozgovoy, Anastasiya Sheveleva

      'The Role' is about a brilliant actor in revolutionary Russia who takes on the greatest role of his life - the role of another man. Influenced by the ideas of symbolism and the Silver Age, he decides to slip into the life of his doppelganger - a revolutionary leader in the new Soviet Russia. First intrigued, then obsessed, he flings himself into the role and lives it to the hil...

  • 死者来信 Письма мертвого человека


    导演:·   编剧:康斯坦丁·罗普桑斯基, Vyacheslav Rybakov

    主演:罗兰·贝科夫, Iosif Ryklin, Viktor Mikhaylov

      The world after the nuclear apocalypse. Pale light lits the scenery of total destruction. The surviving humans vegetate in wet cellars under the nuclear winter. But somehow human spirit still sees somewhere the dim light of a new and better future. The next generation starts the walk towards a new life. Written by Jens Bertheau {bertheau@mi-lab.fh-furtwangen.de}

  • 博物馆的来访者 Посетитель музея


    导演:·   编剧:康斯坦丁·罗普桑斯基

    主演:维克多·索科洛夫, Vera Mayorova.

      Excellent film
      I've seen it once on a festival, at the time it came out, and I was impressed. Would love to see it again, but it doesen't seem to be published in the western Europe.
      I don't remember much of it nowdays, but the main idea was that there is a forgotten underwater museum somewhere in the sea!
      So the main characters go in search for it. There a...