
  • 空中飞人 Allez Oop

    类型:喜剧片电影, 短片电影

    导演:查尔斯·拉蒙特   编剧:欧内斯特·帕加诺, 尤尔特·亚当森

    主演:巴斯特·基顿, 多萝西·塞巴斯蒂安, 乔治·J·刘易斯, 哈利·迈耶斯, The Flying Escalantes, Sidney Kibrick

      钟表匠埃尔默(Buster Keaton 巴斯特•基顿 饰)对美丽的单身女子帕尔玛•史蒂芬(Dorothy Sebastian 桃乐丝•萨宾斯坦 饰)一见钟情,经过几番小伎俩,帕尔玛终于开口约埃尔默一同观看马戏表演。
      首次约会让埃尔默兴奋不已,然而帕尔玛却迷上了英俊帅气的空中飞人演员阿波罗(George J. Lewis 饰)。被女友抛弃的埃尔默在自家院子苦练飞人技巧,但遭到帕尔玛和阿波罗的嘲笑。

  • 爱的弹丸 Annie Oakley

    类型:剧情片电影, 传记片电影, 西部片电影

    导演:乔治·史蒂文斯   编剧:尤尔特·亚当森, 乔尔·塞尔, 约翰·特威斯特

    主演:芭芭拉·斯坦威克, 普雷斯顿·福斯特, 茂文·道格拉斯

      In a sharpshooting match, the manager of a Cincinnati hotel bets on the fellow who's been supplying the hotel with quail...who turns out to be young Annie Oakley. Result: Annie is hired for Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show (which is faithfully re-enacted in the film). She's tutored in showmanship by champ Toby Walker. But when Annie wins top billing, professional rivalry conflicts...

  • Tars and Stripes

    类型:喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:查尔斯·拉蒙特   编剧:查尔斯·拉蒙特, 尤尔特·亚当森

    主演:巴斯特·基顿, 弗农·登特, 多萝西娅·肯特, Jack Shutta, 迪克·柯蒂斯, Johnny Kascier, William Lewis, Al Thompson, Bert Young

  • 鬼城 The Gold Ghost

    类型:喜剧片电影, 短片电影, 西部片电影

    导演:查尔斯·拉蒙特   编剧:尤尔特·亚当森, Nicholas T. Barrows

    主演:巴斯特·基顿, 沃伦·海默, Dorothy Dix, Roger Moore, 威廉·沃辛顿, 劳埃德·英格拉哈姆, Leo Willis, Billy Engle, Al Thompson

  • 行尸走肉 The Walking Dead

    类型:科幻片电影, 恐怖片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:迈克尔·柯蒂兹   编剧:尤尔特·亚当森, 彼得·米尔恩

    主演:波利斯·卡洛夫, 里卡多·柯兹, 埃德蒙·戈温, 玛格丽特·丘吉尔, 沃伦·赫尔, 巴顿·麦克莱恩, 亨利·奥尼尔

      John Ellman (Boris Karloff) has been framed for murder by a gang of racketeers. He is unfairly tried and despite the fact that his innocence has been proven, he is sent to the electric chair and executed. Dr. Evan Beaumont (Edmund Gwenn) retrieves his dead body and revives it, as part of his experiments to reanimate a dead body and discover what happens to the soul after death.
      Dr. Beaumont's use of a mechanical heart to revive the patient foreshadows modern medicine's mechanical heart to keep patients alive during surgery. Although John Ellman has no direct knowledge of anyone wishing to frame him for the murder before he is executed, he gains an innate sense of knowing those who are responsible after he is revived. Ellman takes no direct action against his framers; however, he seeks them out, wishing to know why they had him killed. Each dies a horrible death, and in the end it is their own guilt that causes their deaths.
      Confronting the last two villains, Ellman is shot. Having fulfilled his divine mission to bring about justice, he dies, just before he would have explained death and the afterlife to the curious Dr. Beaumont. Beaumont is warned not to continue his experiments, citing the Biblical Scripture, 'For the LORD thy God is a jealous God (Deut. 6:15a).'

  • 驯贼记 The Taming of the Snood

    类型:喜剧片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Jules White   编剧:尤尔特·亚当森, 克莱德·布鲁克曼

    主演:巴斯特·基顿, Dorothy Appleby, Elsie Ames