
  • 罗德岛巨像 Il colosso di Rodi

    类型:剧情片电影, 历史片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:赛尔乔·莱昂内   编剧:恩尼奥·德·孔奇尼, 赛尔乔·莱昂内, 切萨雷·塞恰, 卢西亚诺·马蒂诺, 上尾·萨维奥利, 卢恰诺·基塔里尼, 卡洛·瓜尔蒂耶里

    主演:费利克斯·费尔南德斯, 伊尼亚齐奥·多尔切, 安东尼奥·卡萨斯, 罗里·卡尔霍恩, 蕾雅·马萨利, 乔治·马沙尔, 孔拉多·圣马丁, 安赫尔·阿兰达, 玛贝尔·卡尔, 米莫·帕尔马拉, 罗伯托·卡马迭尔, 阿尔菲奥·卡尔塔比亚诺, 乔治·里戈, 卡洛·坦贝拉尼

      While on holiday in Rhodes, Athenian war hero Darios becomes involved in two different plots to overthrow the tyrannical king, one from Rhodian patriots and the other from sinister Phoenician agents.

  • 夜与梦 In camera mia


    导演:西·   编剧:卢西亚诺·马蒂诺

    主演:娜塔莎·金斯基, Gianfranco Manfredi, 里基·托尼亚齐

      Massimo Lucantoni (Gianfranco Manfredi) is a film writer in Rome, who is having some trouble with writing his first novel, beacuse he feels too much distraction. There are noisy neighbours and his wife who has actually been seperating from him. He takes the chance to rent a luxurious poolhouse from an excentric but obviously no more so rich as they pretend to be aristocratic co...

  • 浪荡子的性爱旅程 La vergine, il toro e il capricorno


    导演:西·   编剧:卢西亚诺·马蒂诺, Francesco Milizia

    主演:Lars Bloch, Sabina De Guida, 丽雅·德·西蒙娜, 阿德里亚娜·法切蒂, 艾德薇姬·芬妮齐, 阿尔贝托·廖内洛, 阿尔多·马奇奥内, 欧嘉·布赖尔斯, 阿尔瓦罗·维塔利, 厄娜·舒勒, 米歇尔·加米诺, 马里奥·卡卢特鲁托, Giacomo Rizzo, Fiammetta Baralla, 吉安弗兰科·巴拉


  • 黛博拉的娇躯 Il dolce corpo di Deborah

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:罗莫洛·圭列里   编剧:耶尔迈斯托·加斯塔尔迪, 卢西亚诺·马蒂诺

    主演:卡罗尔·贝克, 让·索雷尔, 伊妲·伽利, 乔治·希尔顿, 路易吉·皮斯蒂利, Michel Bardinet, 瓦伦蒂诺·马奇, 米莱拉·班斐里


  • 的士女郎 Taxi Girl


    导演:米歇尔·马西莫·塔兰蒂尼   编剧:卢西亚诺·马蒂诺

    主演:Edwige Fenech, Aldo Maccione, Michele Gammino

      Marcella (Fenech) inherits a taxi business from her father and now sets out on the job of her life. With each new fare she becomes involved with sex and crime all done up 70's Italian comedy style

  • 艳丽娇娃 Anna, quel particolare piacere


    导演:Giuliano Carnimeo   编剧:耶尔迈斯托·加斯塔尔迪, 卢西亚诺·马蒂诺

    主演:edwige fenech

      A beautiful but poor young girl finds all the money and material goods she never had when she becomes the girlfriend of a crime boss, but soon learns that there is a price to be paid for that kind of life

  • 美丽教师进我家 L'insegnante viene a casa


    导演:米歇尔·马西莫·塔兰蒂尼   编剧:Francesco Milizia, 米歇尔·马西莫·塔兰蒂尼, 卢西亚诺·马蒂诺

    主演:丽雅·德·西蒙娜, Mirella Baiocco, Milly Corinaldi, 阿德里亚娜·法切蒂, 艾德薇姬·芬妮齐, 伦佐·蒙特纳尼, 阿尔瓦罗·维塔利, Marco Gelardini, 卡罗·斯堡热托, 吉赛拉·索菲约, 克拉拉·科洛西莫, 卢西奥·蒙塔纳罗, 雅克·斯塔尼, 吉安弗兰科·巴拉, 利诺·班菲


  • 年轻的丈夫们 Giovani mariti


    导演:莫洛·鲍罗尼尼   编剧:莫洛·鲍罗尼尼, Enzo Curreli, 帕斯夸莱·费斯塔·康帕尼莱, 马西莫·弗兰乔萨, 卢西亚诺·马蒂诺, 皮埃尔·保罗·帕索里尼

    主演:Anne-Marie Baumann, 马切拉·罗韦纳, Lilly Mantovani, 圭多·切拉诺, Roberto Chevalier, 伊莎贝拉·科瑞, 安东尼奥·奇法列洛, 弗朗科·英特朗吉, Raf Mattioli, 热拉尔·布兰, 恩尼奥·吉罗拉米, 罗西·马扎库拉蒂, Anna Maria Guarnieri, 安东内拉·卢瓦尔迪, 西娃·科丝西娜, 莱拉·罗科

      A movie about the mixed feelings of young adulthood. Main characters rather casually enter into marriage, never intending true fidelity to their spouses. When they realize that they're committed for life, our immature heroes return to their home town for one last fling.