
  • やわらかい肌

    类型:喜剧片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:寿   编剧:佐藤寿保, 伍代暁子

    主演:絵沢萠子, 高木玲子, 朝比奈順子, 桜井由香, 栗林和美

      Minako, a Tokyo housewife, is depressed that everybody has an energetic life outside of the house except her. Using her inspiration from television reports of a hitch-hiking chainsaw murderer, Minako decides to spice up her life by finding a young fan and running off with him by faking her kidnapping. While the woman family frets and worries, Minako has a wonderful time. Eventu...

  • 柔软的肌肤 やわらかい肌

    类型:剧情片电影, 伦理片电影

    导演:寿   编剧:佐藤寿保, 五代響子

    主演:絵沢萌, 栗林知美, 町田康