
  • 野宴 The Wild Party

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:Dorothy Arzner   编剧:塞缪尔·霍普金斯·亚当斯, E·劳埃德·谢尔顿

    主演:Clara Bow, Fredric March, Marceline Day

      在一间历史悠久的寄宿女校里,以Stella Ames为首的一众女孩不学无术,终日流连于各种不入流的派对。一次外出旅行间,Stella在火车上误闯入了一位年轻男士的车厢,事后她才发现这位名叫James Gilmore的男士是自己的新老师。James对Stella她们的行为嗤之以鼻,直到有一天,Stella和朋友去学校外的酒馆寻欢作乐却碰上了一群无赖,危急关头散步路过的James出手相救,他才意识到自己已经爱上了这位“疯姑娘”

  • 风暴之乡的苔丝 Tess of the Storm Country

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:John S. Robertson   编剧:Grace Miller White, E·劳埃德·谢尔顿, 约瑟芬·洛维特

    主演:玛丽·碧克馥, 劳埃德·休斯, 大卫·托伦斯, 让·赫肖尔特

      Wealthy Elias Graves builds his home on the top of a hill; a mke6.com group of squatters have taken up residence at the bottom. Many of the men in the squatters' village have their eyes on young Tess, and one of them, Ben Letts, frames Tess' father for murder. While maintaining her father's innocence, Tess must keep her love for Graves' son a secret while caring for Elias' daug...