
  • 付之一炬 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Total Loss

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Don Taylor   编剧:罗伯特·利斯


      Jan Manning is having serious financial problems. She runs a dress shop but sales are down and she doesn't have her late husband's knack at purchasing, the end result being that she has too much inventory. One of her suppliers, Mel Reeves, has a solution: he needs only to hire someone to break in to the shop through the skylight and set it on fire allowing Jan to collect on her...

  • 最后一英里 Alfred Hitchcock Presents: One More Mile to Go

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:·   编剧:James P. Cavanagh, F.J. Smith

    主演:·, 大卫·韦恩

      In the midst of a heated quarrel, a man lifts up the fireplace poker in his hand and brings it down on his wife, who drops to the floor. She's dead. The man puts her body in the trunk of his car and drives off, hoping to find somewhere to dispose of it. If he thought his wife was a nag, she'll seem like sweetness and light compared to a motorcycle cop, who stops him and insists...

  • 辣手摧花 Shadow of a Doubt

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:·   编剧:桑顿·怀尔德, 萨莉·本森, 艾玛·雷维尔, 戈登·麦克唐纳

    主演:Eily Malyon, Constance Purdy, Isabel Randolph, Edwin Stanley, 米内尔娃·尤雷卡尔, 克拉伦斯·缪斯, 弗吉尼亚·布里萨克, 爱德华·菲尔丁,

      小镇沉闷的空气令受过高等教育的Charlie(Teresa Wright)十分压抑,她渴望在外谋大事、自己喜爱和崇敬的Uncle Charlie(Joseph Cotten)能突然出现,为自己的生活注入一缕新风。Charlie欲发电报邀请舅舅来做客时,竟先收到他发来的要来的报文,惊喜之外,她对舅舅的爱又加深一层。
      Uncle Charlie的到来令Charlie及父母非常兴奋,但酷爱读书的妹妹无动于衷。不久Charlie如沐春风变作无忧无虑的少女。两个自称报社记者的陌生人有心将Charlie一家当作典型美国家庭采访,Uncle Charlie为此事大发雷霆相当失态,令Charlie和母亲大为不解。而同其中之一Herbie Hawkins(Hume Cronyn)交谈中,Charlie震惊地听闻有关舅舅的骇人秘密。

  • 六位来宾,不要音乐 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Six People, No Music

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:诺曼·劳埃德   编剧:Richard Berg, 加森·卡宁

    主演:·, 约翰·麦盖沃, 佩吉·卡斯, 霍华德·史密斯, 乔比贝克, 威尔顿格拉芙, 约瑟夫汉密尔顿

      When wealthy department store owner Barryvale dies, local mortician Art Motherwell anticipates a windfall from a lavish funeral. But the dearly beloved awakens from death to insist the mortician keep expenses to the bare minimum.

  • 什么是电影? What Is Cinema?


    导演:Chuck Workman   编剧:

    主演:伊冯·雷奈尔, 比尔·维奥拉, 凯莉·莱卡特, 大卫·林奇, 香特尔·阿克曼, 迈克·李, 乔纳斯·梅卡斯, 罗伯特·奥特曼, 罗伯特·布列松, 科斯塔-加夫拉斯, 罗伯·爱泼斯坦, 詹姆斯·弗兰科,

      Featuring interviews with the likes of Hitchcock, Kurosawa, Robert Bresson and David Lynch, What is Cinema? is documentarian Chuck Workman’s engrossing visual essay about mastery of cinematic form. Our world premiere will be followed by a live conversation with Workman.

  • 遗产 The Legacy

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:詹姆斯·涅尔森   编剧:Gina Kaus, Andrew Solt, Gina Kaus

    主演:劳拉达纳, 雅克·伯格拉克, ·

      A well-known author is visiting Palm Beach, and he meets some old friends. He tells them that he will be writing his next book about Prince Burhan, a noted playboy from India, who will be arriving that evening. Also staying at the resort are Howard and Irene Cole. Howard spends most of his time with a young actress, and the others are baffled by Irene's tolerance. When the prin...

  • 翌日清晨 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" The Morning After

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:赫歇尔·多尔蒂   编剧:Rose Simon Kohn, Henry Slesar

    主演:·, 罗伯特·阿尔达, 珍妮特·诺兰, 多萝茜·普罗文妮, 菲伊·雷, Dorothea Lord

  • 致命的数字 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Fatal Figures

    类型:悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:Don Taylor   编剧:Robert C. Dennis, Rick Edelstein


      Harold Goames comes across a book of crime statistics and learns that the most select class of criminals in the country is made up of murderers. He immediately decides to join that class and murders his sister Margaret. His dream of joining the class of murders does not come true because police mistakenly rule that the sister died of natural causes.

  • 希区柯克剧场 第五季 Alfred Hitchcock Presents Season 5

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Alfred Hitchcock   编剧:A·E·W·梅森, 斯特林·西利芬特

    主演:·, 詹姆斯·唐纳德

      Stella Ballister (Patricia Owens) receives the horrifying news that her husband met with an untimely demise while mountain climbing. Newly married, Stella asks for the retrieval of her husband's body - but the task proves impossible when the corpse accidentally falls into a deep crevasse, where no human eyes or hands can reach him. Mark (James Donald), having feelings for Stell...

  • 后窗 Rear Window

    类型:悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:·   编剧:约翰·迈克尔·海耶斯, 康奈尔·伍尔里奇

    主演:艾琳·温斯顿, Ralph Smiley, 哈维斯·达文波特, Anthony Warde, 本尼·巴莱特, 马拉·英格丽什, 贝丝·弗劳尔斯, 阿特·吉尔摩, 弗莱德·格兰姆, 凯丝琳·格兰特,

      摄影师杰弗里斯(詹姆斯·斯图尔特 饰)因站在赛车道中间拍摄,断了左腿,只得在家静养七周。除了保险公司的护士斯特拉(西尔玛·里特 饰)和女友丽莎·卡罗尔·弗里蒙特(格雷斯·凯利 饰)每日前来照料,百无聊赖的杰弗里斯只能在窗前闲看邻居们的日常生活以打发时间。对面公寓的二楼住着人造珠宝推销员拉尔斯·托瓦尔德(雷蒙德·伯尔 饰)及妻子安娜(艾琳·温斯顿 饰),夫妻之间争吵不断。一个雨夜,杰弗里斯看到拉尔斯提着箱子外出数次。次日,杰弗里斯又看到拉尔斯用报纸包裹一把锯和一把刀。杰弗里斯起了疑心,他怀疑拉尔斯杀害了安娜并分尸抛弃。然而,杰弗里斯并未目击案发过程,也未见到尸体。那么真相究竟如何呢?杰弗里斯的推测只是他的臆想吗?为了证实他的推测,杰弗里斯要如何寻找证据呢?

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