
  • 正宗LA L.A. Originals


    导演:Estevan Oriol   编剧:Brian Maya, Omar Quiroga

    主演:Premier, 德瑞博士, 弗里德·德斯特, Flavor Flav, 米歇尔·罗德里格兹, 约翰·弗拉西特, 科比·布莱恩特, The Game, 瑞恩·菲利普, 唐纳德·格洛弗, Tony Touch,


  • 大胖考2011 The Big Fat Quiz of the Year


    导演:Mick Thomas   编剧:吉米·卡尔, Dominic English, Jim Pullin, 肖恩·派伊, Charlie Skelton, Fraser Steele, Aiden Spackman, Jez Stevenson, Dan Swimer

    主演:布鲁斯·福尔赛斯, 梅尔·吉德罗伊茨, Nikki Grahame, Russell Grant, ·, 布莱克·哈里森, 埃里克·雅各布森, 埃尔顿·约翰, 鲍里斯·约翰逊, 蓝尼·克罗维兹,

      The 2010 show was recorded on 13 December and aired on 3 January 2011.
      The teams were:
      Wagner: Jonathan Ross and Ruth Jones
      Posh & Specs: Michael McIntyre and Alan Carr
      The Electric Moccasins: Richard Ayoade and Noel Fielding
      Guest questions were provided by Nicole Scherzinger, Jack Black, Simon Pegg, Russell Brand, Seth Rogen, the cast of Misfits and Will Ferrell. The children of Mitchell Brook Primary School made their annual appearance acting out news stories, which included the Stig scandal and the Icelandic volcano eruption, as did Jon Snow with his fake news reports of popular songs. Lola, the cat put in a wheelie bin in August by Mary Bale appeared as a Mystery Guest. Louie Spence posed a question in the form of a dance routine representing the story of the trapped Chilean miners.
      The final scores were:
      Ross and Jones - 28
      McIntyre and Carr - 25
      Ayoade and Fielding - 12

  • 闪耀的花火 Sparkle


    导演:萨利姆·阿基尔   编剧:Mara Brock Akil, 霍华德·罗森曼

    主演:惠特尼·休斯顿, 乔丁·斯巴克斯, 卡门·艾乔戈, 德里克·卢克, 迈克·艾普斯, 提卡·森普特, 欧玛瑞·哈德威克, ·, 柯蒂斯·阿姆斯壮

      故事发生在二十世纪六十年代,斯帕克尔(乔丁·斯巴克斯 Jordin Sparks 饰)深受母亲艾玛(惠特尼·休斯顿 Whitney Houston 饰)的影响,对唱歌充满了热情。她同两个姐姐希丝特(卡门·艾乔戈 Carmen Ejogo 饰)和德洛丽丝(迪卡·桑普特 Tika Sumpter 饰)组成了一支乐队,并且最终在经纪人斯迪克斯(德瑞克·卢克 Derek Luke 饰)的帮助下实现了梦想攀登上了事业的顶峰。