
  • 赎罪巷 Penance Lane


    导演:Péter Engert   编剧:Renae Geerlings, Matt Granger, Mikey Granger, Munier Sharrieff

    主演:Martin, 丝柯·泰勒-考普顿, 泰勒·梅恩, 约翰·施奈德, 丹尼尔·洛巴克, 特洛伊·布伦纳, Dallas Page, Travis Love, 威廉·托卡斯基, Sailor Larocque,

      A hardened criminal fresh out of the joint takes a job as a handyman in a dilapidated house; but the twisted horrors he finds inside are enough to send anyone running. So why does he stay? And why are so many people drawn to Penance Lane?

  • WWE:皇家大战 2016 WWE Royal Rumble 2016

    类型:动作片电影, 运动片电影, 真人秀片电影

    导演:凯文·杜恩   编剧:

    主演:Thaddeus Bullard, Carlos Cabrera, 马克·卡拉韦, 安东尼·卡雷利, Mike Chioda, 艾吉, Ettore Ewen, Aaron Haddad, 保罗·怀特,

      A yearly event in which WWE wrestlers fight and try to throw each other out of the ring. The last wrestler goes to Wrestlemania.
      WWE's annual PPV featuring the iconic 30-man Royal Rumble match. This time, the stakes couldn't be higher as 30 superstars not only are vying for a guaranteed spot in the main event at Wrestlemania 32 in Dallas, Texas, but will also walk out as WWE Wo...