
  • 阿尔卡扎尔之围 L'Assedio dell'Alcazar

    类型:剧情片电影, 历史片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:奥古斯托·吉尼那   编剧:Alessandro De Stefani, 奥古斯托·吉尼那, Edoardo Anton

    主演:福斯科·贾凯蒂, 米海伊·巴林, 玛丽娅·德丹尼, Rafael Calvo, 卡洛斯·穆尼奥斯, ·

      The day broke the Spanish Civil War, Colonel Jose Moscardo, veteran of Africa, arrived in Madrid to prepare your trip to Berlin with the Spanish delegation that would participate in the Olympic Games. He learned of the military insurrection and quickly returned to Toledo. As commander of the square, Moscardó had no doubts, and at seven in the morning of July 21, 1936 issued the...

  • 悲惨的追逐 Caccia tragica

    类型:剧情片电影, 动作片电影

    导演:朱塞佩·德桑蒂斯   编剧:卡洛·利扎尼, 科拉多·阿尔瓦罗, 詹尼·普奇尼

    主演:薇薇·吉奥伊, ·, 卡拉·德尔波娇, 维托里奥·度瑟, 马西莫·吉洛蒂

  • 1943年的长夜 La lunga notte del '43


    导演:弗洛雷斯塔诺·万奇尼   编剧:乔治·巴萨尼, 弗洛雷斯塔诺·万奇尼

    主演:贝琳达·李, 加布里埃尔·费泽蒂, 恩里科·玛丽亚·萨莱诺, ·, 尼里奥·贝尔纳迪, 拉法艾拉·卡拉

  • 罗马,自由的城市 Roma città libera

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:Marcello Pagliero   编剧:恩尼奥·弗拉亚诺, 苏索·切基·达米科, 切萨雷·扎瓦蒂尼, Pino Mercanti, 马塞洛·巴格利埃罗

    主演:瓦伦蒂娜·格特斯, ·, 南多·布鲁诺, Marisa Merlini, 加尔·摩尔, 维托里奥·德西卡

      Against the background of Rome freed from Nazi-fascism in 1945, two personal dramas interweave between a young man, reduced to despair by his girlfriend and a still underage girl, who tries to prostitute herself to survive.