
  • 春 Le printemps

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:·   编剧:Catherine Binet

    主演:迈克尔·朗斯代尔, Raymonde Godeau, Véronique Andriès

      A surreal juxtaposition French film about two people that never meet nor come close to. One, a young male outlaw, and the other a young woman going through puberty/sexual development for the first time.

  • 解构 Déconstruction


    导演:·   编剧:


      The short film is like a journal page of film making. On making a film (in 1966) in Barcelona. On assembling together surviving fragments of the film, but not as a vestige of something for ever lost, but rather an occasion for making a new film of all sorts of fragments: images in Barcelona (in 2008/9) that echo images of the older film; images of making films (Hanoun's own, Bo...

  • 夏 L'été


    导演:·   编剧:马塞尔·哈侬

    主演:Graziella Buci, Pierre-Henri Deleau

      After the event of May1968, a young woman shelters in the country, in a house where she waits for her partner.

  • 明亮之夜 La Nuit claire


    导演:·   编剧:马塞尔·哈侬

    主演:Lorraine Bonnemaison, Gérard Rouzier, Florence Rousseau

      在电影《明亮之夜》(La Nuit Claire.1979)中,哈农通过诗意的叙述重新创建神话中美丽而可怕的奥菲斯。奥菲斯被蛇咬后沦至尘间寻找尤莉迪丝,奥菲斯和尤莉迪丝消失却漫无目的的游荡....
      马塞尔·哈农(Marcel Hanoun 1929.10.26) 是一名法国摄影家、记者,电影导演,新浪潮时期代表作《一个普通的故事》(Une simple histoire , 1958) 。从那时起,他进行实验拍摄远离评论界和公众的评价,但他严谨的态度和坚持表达个人的观点为人称道。

  • 一个简单的故事 Une simple histoire


    导演:·   编剧:马塞尔·哈侬

    主演:Micheline Bezançon, Gilette Barbier, Elisabeth Huart

      This simple story of a mother and daughter finds them struggling to find work and food in Paris. Micheline Bezancon is the expressionless young mother who alone worries about the future of her and her daughter. Filmed in black and white, the directorial approach is as simple as the title. She engages in a poignant narrative about her daily life. Half of the time the screen is b...

  • 秋 L'automne


    导演:·   编剧:马塞尔·哈侬


      Julien, a movie director, is on the phase of editing his new film, "Juliette sacrifiée". Hurried by his producer, he asks for the help of a professional editor. It is Anne, with whom Julien is soon falling in love. During the whole of the movie, both are sitting in front of the editing table, where they listen to music, talk about politics and what movies should and should not ...

  • 冬 L'hiver


    导演:·   编剧:Maurice Cury

    主演:Tiziana Siffi, 迈克尔·朗斯代尔, 克里斯蒂安·巴尔比耶

      Julien et son preneur de son, Michel, tournent à Bruges un documentaire de commande. Julien rêve au film qu'il pourrait tourner dans cette ville mystérieuse: une adaptation de Shakespeare ou de Musset. Le rejoint bientôt Sophie, sa femme, ancienne comédienne, qui souffre de la distance que Julien semble mettre dans leurs rapports. Bientôt, à une exposition de peinture...

  • 在马德里的十月 Octobre à Madrid


    导演:·   编剧:Roger Hanoun

    主演:Chonette Laurent, José Meneses, Augustin Reyes