
  • 法吉尔 Fazil

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:·   编剧:Pierre Frondaie, 菲利普·克莱因

    主演:查尔斯·法莱尔, 格蕾塔·尼森, 约翰·博尔斯, 梅·布希

      Considering all the critical attention Howard Hawks has received over the years it's rather surprising that this film, the sixth he directed, is so little known. Admittedly, FAZIL is not at all typical of Hawks' work and lacks most of his recognizable directorial motifs, and on top of that features stars whose names only buffs will recognize, but it's a beautifully filmed, sumptuously mounted late silent drama that's worth seeing for its production values alone. For viewers of our era the most striking aspect of the film is that its story is based on a culture clash of West vs. East, specifically, the difficulties that arise when a European (presumably secular) woman who prides herself on being 'free' and modern marries an Arab man who follows the old ways and is a devout Muslim. This material lies in a danger zone that Hollywood has rarely ventured into, even in recent years, and while to our eyes FAZIL is quite dated and very much a product of its time in its depiction of Arabic culture, it's nonetheless surprisingly even-handed in presenting both sides of the case in a painful divide that, needless to say, is still with us.
      Two things make FAZIL distinctly un-Hawksian in comparison with most of the director's later work: the emphasis is on the central romance throughout, with only very brief action sequences, and the ending is tragic. Once our lovers meet in Venice we are given many long, languid close-ups of Fazil (Charles Farrell) exchanging looks of adoration with Fabienne (Greta Nissen). They fall in love at a dance --a hint of tragic foreshadowing for Shakespeare devotees-- and then share a gondola ride while the gondolier sings the film's theme, 'Nights of Splendor,' courtesy of the film's pre-recorded Fox Movietone score. But almost as soon as they are married the culture clash begins, and we never get a sense that the two will manage to overcome their differences: they have entirely opposite notions of what marriage is supposed to be. Fazil believes that love is possession, that a husband commands his wife, and he has no intention of adapting to Western customs, while Fabienne, who is French, considers herself a liberated woman and chafes under Fazil's possessiveness. Neither will compromise. Soon it's clear that tragedy lies ahead, and it's just a question of what exactly is going to happen and when.
      However daring it may have been for Hollywood to tackle this subject matter in 1928 the prospect of an actual Arab actor taking the title role was apparently out of the question, so handsome young Charles Farrell was cast in the lead. They gave him a pencil-line mustache and darkened his skin slightly, and that was considered sufficient. Farrell gives the role his best shot although he's obviously no more Arab than Barry Fitzgerald. His performance is generally restrained and seems to improve as the film goes on, that is, after an early scene in which he indulges in unfortunate eye-popping histrionics when he first sees his leading lady. The beautiful Greta Nissen, who was Norwegian, might not have gotten this role in a talkie but she's perfectly well cast here, and gives a sensitive, nuanced performance. Both Fabienne and Fazil have their faults but neither is presented as the villain of the piece, which is refreshing but also deepens our sadness and frustration as their relationship falls apart.
      This film isn't for all tastes, and Howard Hawks fans familiar with his later work may wonder if it was truly directed by the same guy who made THE BIG SLEEP and RIO BRAVO, but for viewers willing to adjust to a more romantic (even 'soapy') sensibility this is a movie well worth seeing, especially for those interested in the culture clash issues at the heart of the story, and in the way Hollywood has portrayed the Arab world. Film buffs interested in the late silent era will most definitely want to give this one a look.
      FAZIL is a slow paced film about an Arab prince falling in love with a French blonde bombshell. The culture difference between modern Paris and the old culture of the primitive hot desert makes marriage life difficult for the characters played by Charles Farrell and Norwegian blonde Greta Nissen. FAZIL was distributed as the sound era was breaking its silence and the film seems a bit old fashion for its time. But Fazil has some beautiful close ups of its stars and the music throughout is moody. Worth seeing for Howard Hawks direction and a glimpse of Nissens beauty. Apparently Hawks had problems convincing Farrell and Nissen to make their love scenes more steamy. So he toke them both aside and told them separately to get busy. The advice paid off. Next project for Greta Nissen was as leading lady in Howard Hughs HELLS ANGELS which first was filmed as a silent. He decided to re-shoot the dialog with sound but Nissens heavy Norwegian accent did not fit the role as an English Lady. She was replaced by newcomer Jean Harlow. FAZIL was thought lost, but has surfaced and become in demand at various film festivals.

  • 命限今朝 Today We Live

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:·, 理查德·罗森   编剧:德怀特·泰勒, Edith Fitzgerald, 威廉·福克纳

    主演:Joan Crawford, Gary Cooper, Robert Young, Franchot Tone


  • 疤面人 Scarface

    类型:剧情片电影, 动作片电影, 犯罪片电影, 黑色电影片电影

    导演:·, 理查德·罗森   编剧:本·赫克特, 塞腾·艾·米勒

    主演:保罗·穆尼, 乔治·拉夫特, 卡伦·莫利, 安·德拉克


  • 火球 Ball of Fire

    类型:喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:·   编剧:查尔斯·布拉克特, 比利·怀尔德

    主演:丹·德亚, 拉尔夫·彼得斯, 凯瑟琳·霍华德, 玛丽·菲尔德, 加里·库珀, 芭芭拉·斯坦威克, 奥斯卡·霍莫尔卡, 亨利·崔佛斯, S·Z·萨卡尔, 塔利·马绍尔, 列昂尼德·金斯基, 理查德·海顿, 奥布里·马瑟, 艾伦·詹金斯, 达纳·安德鲁斯

      A group of ivory-tower lexicographers realize they need to hear how real people talk, and end up helping a beautiful singer escape from the Mob.

  • 妙药春情 Monkey Business

    类型:喜剧片电影, 科幻片电影

    导演:·   编剧:本·赫克特, 查尔斯·莱德勒

    主演:加里·格兰特, 金杰·罗杰斯, 查尔斯·科本, 玛丽莲·梦露

      富顿教授(加里·格兰特 Cary Grant 饰)是一位科学家,正在研究一种能够让人返老还童的神奇药物。某一天,富顿用来试验药物的黑猩猩从笼子里逃了出来,在实验室里“大闹天宫”,没想到竟然在误打误撞之下将富顿一直想要研制但始终没有成功的神药给捣鼓了出来。
      对此一无所知的富顿在偶然间喝下了这种药物,很快,药效便发挥了作用,富顿一反常态,言行举止俨然一幅二十岁小伙子的模样。秘书路易斯(玛丽莲·梦露 Marilyn Monroe 饰)前来拜访富顿教授,没想到却被他邀请去游泳、溜冰。之后,富顿的妻子爱德华(金格尔·罗杰斯 Ginger Rogers 饰)亦误食了药物,一连串让人忍俊不禁的趣事就此展开。

  • 金字塔 Land of the Pharaohs

    类型:剧情片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:·   编剧:Harold Jack Bloom, 哈里·库尼兹, 威廉·福克纳

    主演:杰克·霍金斯, 琼·柯琳斯, 杜威·马丁, 亚历克斯·米诺蒂斯, 詹姆斯·罗伯逊·贾斯蒂, 露易赛拉·博尼, 悉尼·卓别林, 詹姆斯·海特, 克里玛

      故事发生在5000年前的埃及。法老胡夫(杰克·霍金斯 Jack Hawkins 饰)四处征战捷报连连,带回了大量的金银财宝和战俘。幻想着获得永生的法老命令战俘中的一位名叫瓦石塔(詹姆斯·罗伯逊·贾斯蒂 James Robertson Justice 饰)的建筑师为他建造金字塔。瓦石塔和胡夫之间达成了协议,根据金字塔工程的推进分批释放战俘。
      金字塔的建造有条不紊的进行着,然而,就在工程即将结束之时,野心勃勃的皇妃奈里夫(琼·柯琳斯 Joan Collins 饰)暗杀了胡夫和皇后奈拉(克里玛 Kerima 饰)。皇家祭司哈马(亚历克斯·米诺蒂斯 Alex Minotis 饰)在最后关头遵守了胡夫的承诺,释放了瓦石塔和他的族人。

  • 约克中士 Sergeant York

    类型:剧情片电影, 传记片电影, 历史片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:·   编剧:阿贝姆·芬克尔, 哈利·钱德利

    主演:加里·库珀, 沃尔特·布伦南, 琼·莱斯利, 乔治·托比厄斯


  • 愁云惨雾 Ceiling Zero

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:·   编剧:弗兰克·威德, 莫里·里斯金德

    主演:詹姆斯·卡格尼, 帕特·奥布莱恩, 琼·特拉维斯, 斯图尔特·艾尔文


  • 绅士爱美人 Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影, 歌舞片电影

    导演:·   编剧:查尔斯·莱德勒, 约瑟夫·菲尔兹, 安尼塔·卢斯

    主演:比尔•希克曼, 查克·希克斯, 斯图尔特·霍姆斯, Richard Kean, Colin Kenny, Larry Kert, 理查德·拉马尔, Henri Letondal, 卡尔·M·莱维尼斯, 小哈里·凯瑞, 史蒂夫·卡鲁瑟斯, 乔治·查金思, 让·德尔瓦尔, Howard Wendell, Eumenio Blanco, Jack Boyle, Paul Bradley, William Cabanne, Albert Cavens, 简·拉塞尔, 玛丽莲·梦露, 查尔斯·科本, 埃利奥特·里德, 托米·努南, 乔治·温斯罗, 马塞尔·达里奥, 泰勒·霍姆斯, 诺玛·威登, 史蒂文·杰雷, Spencer Chan, Jack Chefe, John Close, 乔治·戴维斯, Jean De Briac, Charles De Ravenne, George Dee, Bobby Diamond, Jack Dodds, Dan Dowling, Arthur Dulac, Joe Evans, Adolph Faylauer, 贝丝·弗劳尔斯, Robert Foulk, Alex Frazer, Raoul Freeman, Joel Friend, Robert Fuller, Ed Fury, Kenneth Gibson, Joe Gilbert, A. Cameron Grant, 山姆·哈里斯

      罗丽拉(玛丽莲·梦露 Marilyn Monroe 饰)和桃乐西(简·拉塞尔 Jane Russell 饰)是舞台上的好搭档,生活中的好伙伴。艳光四射的两人走在一起,吸引了无数男人的目光,然而,她们并非空有一副好皮囊,论智商,罗丽拉和桃乐西可不输给任何人。
      某日,罗丽拉登上了驶往法国的轮船,前去和情人艾仕文(埃利奥特·里德 Elliott Reid 饰)结婚,在船上,两人遇见了一名为古斯(托米·努南 Tommy Noonan 饰)的男子。原来,古斯是艾仕文父亲派来的私家侦探,为的是考验罗丽拉对自己儿子的真心。随着时间的推移,桃乐西竟然慢慢爱上了善良的古斯,但罗丽拉很显然帮自己的好闺蜜相中了另一位“金龟婿”。

  • 红河 Red River

    类型:动作片电影, 西部片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:·, 阿瑟·罗森   编剧:博登·蔡斯, 查理斯·施内

    主演:蒙哥马利·克利夫特, 约翰·韦恩, 沃尔特·布伦南

      故事以美国南北战争结束后的中西部旷野为背景,托马斯·道森(约翰·韦恩 John Wayne 饰)白手起家,在养子马修(蒙哥马利·克利夫特 Montgomery Clift 饰)和帮手格鲁特的协助下,他历时14年的辛苦经营,终于在美国德州的一片大草原上建立起自己的大牧场。因为南方经济萧条,托马斯决定把牧场里超过一万头的牛赶往北方的密苏里州贩卖。他召集人马,充分准备,这群西部牛仔赶着大批牛群,开启了这趟千里之旅。

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