
  • 另一个劳伦斯 L’Autre Laurens


    导演:·   编剧:克劳德·施密茨, Kostia Testut

    主演:奥利维尔·雷堡汀, Louise Leroy, 提伯·范登博尔, 马克·巴贝, 凯特·莫兰, Edwin Gaffney, Rodolphe Burger, Francis Soetens


  • 露西失去了她的马 Lucie perd son cheval


    导演:·   编剧:克劳德·施密茨

    主演:Lucie Debay, Hélène Bressiant

      What is a knight without his horse? An actor without an audience? A mother without her child? Lucie is all of these things: a working mum and wandering knight, in a film that keeps changing its setting and tone. After a relaxing stay at her grandmother’s house, with whom she leaves her daughter, she suddenly discovers herself in full medieval armour amongst rolling hills. The a...