
  • 神秘大亨 The Associate


    导演:唐纳德·皮特里   编剧:让-克劳德·卡里埃尔, Jenaro Prieto, Nick Thiel

    主演:乌比·戈德堡, 黛安·韦斯特, 埃里·瓦拉赫, 蒂姆·达利

      萝莉(乌比·戈德堡 Whoopi Goldberg 饰)是一位精明干练的财务分析师,虽然都说女性对于数字不如男性敏感,但萝莉强大的业务能力很显然能吊打她的大部分异性同行。可即便她是这样的优秀,在男人主导的华尔街中,萝莉依然感到无法施展拳脚,处处受到性别的限制,一怒之下,萝莉提出了辞职,并且将自己的房产抵押了出去,决定成立一间完全属于自己的公司。
      在寻找投资人的过程中,萝莉屡屡受挫,很多人刚看到她的性别,就对她的能力产生了怀疑。在前同事莎莉(黛安娜·维斯特 Dianne Wiest 饰)的帮助之下,萝莉得到了和大主顾唐纳(伊莱·瓦拉赫 Eli Wallach 饰)见面的机会,能不能出人头地,全看这一次了。

  • 埃莱扎·施莱辛格:确认击杀 Iliza Shlesinger: Confirmed Kills


    导演:Bobcat Goldthwait   编剧:Iliza Shlesinger

    主演:Iliza Shlesinger

      Iliza Shlesinger performs in this standup talking about dating, feminism and some of the intricacies associated with being a woman in the 21st century.

  • 南岸 Sul


    导演:埃德加·麦地那, Guilherme Mendonça   编剧:Edgar Medina, Guilherme Mendonça

    主演:伊沃·卡内拉斯, 阿德里亚诺·拉兹, 何塞·阿方索·皮蒙特尔, 玛佳丽达·维拉·诺瓦, 赵嘉妮, Jaime Freitas

      Inspector Humberto and his associate Alice investigating two consecutive young ladies suicide suspecting to be

  • 破茧威龙 The Mighty Quinn

    类型:剧情片电影, 动作片电影, 悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Carl Schenkel   编剧:A.H.Z. Carr, 汉普顿·范彻

    主演:Denzel Washington

      When police officer Xavier Quinn's childhood friend, Maubee, becomes associated with murder and a briefcase full of ten thousand dollar bills, The Mighty Quinn must clear his name. Or try to catch him, which could be even trickier.

  • 时空探长 Untitled Web Series About a Space Traveler Who Can Also Travel Through Time


    导演:Vincent Talenti   编剧:Eric Loya, Travis Richey

    主演:Carrie Keranen, 特拉维斯·瑞奇利

      The Inspector and his faithful associate Piper Tate encounter the Inspector's arch-nemesis, Boyish the Extraordinary.

  • 不舒服 Nocomodo

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Lola Halifa-Legrand   编剧:

    主演:Tissem Boukchem, Gaspard Caens, Bastien Bouillon, 艾斯特·加瑞尔

      In the summer of her seventh birthday, Selma is molested by an associate of her father’s who soon appears to her in the guise of an animal. Shocked, Selma discovers the power of her own language as a bulwark against adult violence.